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Installing Pterodactyl in Alpine

  • hosting
  • servers
  • infrastructure
  • runner
  • alpine
  • docker
  • pterodactyl


  1. A hypervisor, such as Proxmox
  2. A VM
    1. Allocated with enough space for game Server(s)
    2. Allocated with enough Ram and CPU cores for said servers
    3. Allocated with a GPU optional probably maybe useful down the road. if you can.
    4. Installed with a base image of Alpine
    5. Enable the Alpine Community repository
      1. apk add nano
      2. nano /etc/apk/repositories
      3. uncomment

Install Alpine and dependencies

Allocate a VM, git it some space for a game server. It depends on what game you want to host, some will require a boatload of space. It's beyond the scope of this document to tell you how much space you'll need for X game.

Alpine and Docker require around 300GB of space.

apk add docker git bash docker-compose
rc-update add docker boot
service docker start
git clone
cd pterodactyl-containers/
bash bin/deploy -c minimal
nano docker-compose.yml
By default the panel isn't exposed. To expose it so you can use your proxy, edit the docker-compose file and add to the panel section:
      - 80:80
for reference my entire panel section is
  # -- Pterodactyl Panel --
  # This is the container that provides the main web interface.
    env_file: ./conf.d/panel.env
    profiles: [ panel ]
    restart: always
      - 80:80
      - ./data/panel:/data
        condition: service_started
        condition: service_started

Check the config file (s)

nano conf.d/panel.env
Set the url.

Bring it up

docker-compose up -d

Potential Issues

With the default KVM64 in proxmox qemu the docker logs for the launched panel and other things were giving errors due to missing cpu extensions, specifically Fatal glibc error: CPU does not support x86-64-v2 .

I set CPU to host in proxmox, restarted the vm, and it seems to be coming up.

Setup initial user

bin/artisan p:user:make

Outside Resources

The quickstart guide: